Oxygen Brand “I didn’t know that” Explainer video Series

Client - Oxygen/NBC. 2015
Concept, Animation & Creative Direction - Natalie To
Creative Director - Jimmy Wentz
Writer/Producer: Gisela Aydin
VP Design - Nancy Mazzei

About the project

An essential business of cable networks is the ability to sell advertisements.

Our network had been a happy empowered women’s network from 2000-2015, but had recently transitioned to an all crime network. (Apparently a large demographic of women love to watch all types of murder shows endlessly.) For example, how do advertisers show commercials advertising a razor blade, next to content of a gruesome slasher murder discovery?

It had made the ability to sell ads much harder.

Our solution was to think outside the box. The promos team had already spent tons of money on shoots for partnerships that didn’t sell, so the graphics team had to create ads with little budget. The pitch animations above and below were made with gorgeous artwork in the public domain. One approach that was unique: crimes through the lens of science and history, two under utilized topics within advertising.

Forensic entomology

Organic material decomposes in a specific order such that a time stamp can be given based on the insects and larvae found at the crime scene.

Time of death can be determined by a forensic entomologist as he/she observes which insects are there at the scene.

Forensic palynology

While we were asked to think outside the box for this ad sales project and there is one avenue that is not well trod at Oxygen. We did not often look at crimes through the lens of science the way that CSI: Miami might. While researching for this spot, we learned that by brushing up against a plant causing the attachment of pollen spores can put the suspect at an exact location with a relativity precise time stamp.

Mug shots from the 1920’s

Oxygen’s flagship show, in fact the show to turned the entire network into the crime network, is the show Snapped. Each episode features a female murderer and the show chronicles her relationships and bad decision making, until the eventual descent into madness… when she ultimately SNAPS.

Since we were asked to think outside the box for the partnership. I loved the idea of using female mugshots from the public domain that are a century old. These women may be just like the criminals we feature on our show. Some look guilty while others look like they may still be drunk.

TACo Bell + Oxygen Ad Sales Partnership

This Ad Sales Partnership was a win because we were able to attach an advertiser to it, in this case, Taco Bell. They were promoting their New Year’s Dollar Menu and the clients thought factoids about the dollar would be appropriate.