All Voting is local - How-to videos (social)

Client: All Voting is Local / Power The Polls
Animation + Design: Natalie To, James Linehan & Jason Dooley
Creative Directors: Lauren Wohl & Aaron Wencks
Agency: We the Wencks / Butterworks
Animation Reel Edit by Natalie To
Original edits:
Handling Tough Situations at the Polls
You're a Poll Worker! Now What?
Preparing For Problems at the Polls

All Voting is Local created a campaign to hire a new generation of young poll workers who were at less personal risk to the effects of Covid 19. Formats included 4 x 2:00 videos created in 1x1, 9x16 & 16x9 for Facebook, Instagram & Tik Tok. The animations also targeted communities experiencing voter suppression to try to inspire and empower individuals. It was a campaign with a quick turnaround released over a 4 week period leading up to the election.

The second, third and fourth of the four spots are how-to overview videos that would teach the poll workers what to do if there were a problem. They feature character animations for demonstrating how to help alleviate long lines, voter suppression, language barriers, missing IDs & and many other obstacles that would turn away a potential voter away without casting a ballot.